One More Tune

Groover Digest 3

Jeristotle, Di One Musik, Artificial Island, John Christian Kane, Sar Kamler, Marlowe Clarke, Alessandro Costantino

Welcome to episode three of the new weekly series Groover Digest in which I'll be featuring tracks sent to me on Groover from artists around the world.

Groover is a music promotion website where artists can upload their music and send tracks to curators for their feedback and promotion. I was recently invited to join the Groover team as a curator and am delighted to be able to give a platform to all the hard-working big dreaming artists who create music for the love of it.

On this week's episode we have an electic set of tracks from artists in Italy, USA, Canada and the UK and we're getting a taste of some Hip Hop, Electronic, Instrumenatl, Electro Pop and and even some Classical too.

Let me know what you think of this weeks tracks by commenting on this episode or following on Instagram, and don't forget to follow on whatever platform you're listening on.

This weeks tracks:

(00:00) Introduction

(06:04) Jeristotle - Kinsugi Beauty

(09:05) Di One Musik - Light Da Record

(11:28) Artificial Island - Gravity Wave

(16:40) John Christian Kane - Asphalt

(20:33) Sar Kamler - Soothing Echoes

(25:23) Marlowe Clarke - wasted potential

(27:35)  Alessandro Costantino - Mystical Illusion

This weeks artists:

Jeristotle -
Di One Musik -
Artificial Island -
John Christian Kane -
Sar Kamler -
Marlowe Clarke -
Alessandro Costantino -

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Songs Used With Artists Permission

Podcast Music by Slim Goody
Podcast Artwork by Peter Doyle
Produced by Ian Byrne 

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